Plagiarism Policy

The word plagiarism is derived from the latin word plagiare which means abduct or steal. Plagiarism is defined by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on delinquency in Research as: "The stealing of another person's ideas, tables, content, processes, results or words without citing the appropriate credit to be considered as crime". The locality of the content is irrelevant when it comes to plagiarism; content from the internet is equally comparable to information appearing from a book or journal.

Plagiarism may be of “self or duplicate, blatant”. Blatant is a very transparent way of copying contents from other papers. Self plagiarism means authors copying their own material without providing reference. Duplicate publication refers to the publication of author’s articles in two or more journals at the same time either with or without changing the content.

Plagiarism is immoral. The art of writing without any new innovative ideas from authors will create an imbalance between knowledge and understanding. This way of providing information to public is priceless. The proper way of giving credit to original information is by citing and acknowledging. This will definitely embellish original author’s value of work.

Plagiarism checking before publication:
IJARRP will check plagiarism for all the articles before prior publication. If the plagiarism content is observed by editors, peer reviewers or by editorial staff members at any stage of publication process at the time of editing or proof reading will be informed to author to rewrite the manuscript. In any case if the submitted original manuscript is 25% plagiarized then the article will be rejected and the same will be notified to author.

How IJARRP will handle the manuscript with plagiarism content
Plagiarism is handled based on the % of the plagiarized content present in the manuscript.
After thorough processing through Plagiarism Check, is the manuscript is found to be-
>10% plagiarized - Manuscript is rejected and will suggest the author to rewrite the article to minimize the plagiarism content to limited range.
<10% - Manuscript is processed for publishing by assigning reviewers and updates are informed to the author.

What to do if a publisher comes across plagiarism content in any of the
Please inform our editorial office by providing journal name, title of manuscript, author name, issue number, year of publication and other relevant information. We will handle the situation according to plagiarism policy.

If plagiarism is found after publication of the article
If the plagiarized content is noticed after the publication of the article then, the same will be notified to the author and depending upon the % of plagiarism the article will be withdrawn from our journal.
IJARRP does not encourage any form of Plagiarism. Hence, we strongly recommend you to check your content before submitting it to any of our Journals for publication. Plagiarism can be detected by using several free 'Plagiarism Checking software’s available online, although they are not completely reliable.

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